Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

Colonial Events 1807


Launch of Colonial brig Perseverance. Owner Campbell and Co., The Perseverance, Master Frederick Lelohf sailed for China 9 February. Sydney Gazette 25 January 1807

January 25

A report sent by Gov. Bligh to England on the Buffalo, of Public Buildings in Sydney....

[1] The Master Builders House wants Plaistering, whitewashing, windows repairing, and part of the Foundation given away

[2] The Dock Yard wants Sheds for Boats, and to Work under for Saw Pits.

[3] The Blacksmiths Shop and Store Houses and Watchmans Hut wants Plaistering, whitewashing, new doors and Shutters, repairing Tiles outside of Staircase, also New Posts and Railing next the Road.'

[4] Wharfingers Hut Wants New windows and doors, plaistering, whitewashing, a new chimney and tiling repaired.

[5] The Coxwain and Boats Crews Hut Wants Plaistering, whitewashing, Tiles repairing, a new fence, doors and windows

[6] The Gaol - In good repair but wants additional cells

[7] The Watchman's Hut - nearly down

[8] The Lumber Yard - Wants the Blacksmiths Shop and Shed Whitewashed, plaisered, new doors, windows, and the tiling repaired, New Saw Pitts and Sheds'

[9] The Military Store - Part of the Walls given away, and wants new doors, windows and the Tiling repaired

[10] The Granary - Wants new Flooring, Doors and Windows, New Shingling, Stair Case and Plaistering and Whitewashing with other necessary Jobs

[11] Government House and Offices - Wants new doors, Windows, Window shutters, lining and Frames, Shingling, Flooring, Whitewashing and Plaistering. All in so rotton a State wants to be New

[12] The Judge-Advocates House - In good repair. His Office in a bad state - wants to be new

[13] The Parsonage House - Wants New doors, Windows and Fence. Plaistering, Whitewashing and Tiling repaired

[14] The Surveyor-Generals House and Offices - Wants doors and Windows, nearly new whitewashing and plaistering also new fence

[15] The Old Guard House and Offices - Nearly down

[16] The New Guard House - Only walled and roofed

[17] The Dry Store - Wants New Doors, Windows, and Staircase, Plaistering, whitewashing and repairing the tiles also New Flooring

[18] The Storekeepers House - In good repair

[19] The Superintendants of the Town Gang House - Wants new doors and Windows, whitewashing, Plaistering, and Tiles repairing and other woodwork done

[20] The Executioners Hut - Wants new doors and window Shutters, Fence and Tiles repairing, Plaistering and Whitewashing

[21] Two Government Huts - Wants Doors, Windows, Tiles and Fence repairing and other woodwork, also plaistering, and whitewahsing

[22] The Superintendent of Blacksmiths and Assistant Engineer, Overseer of Town Gang and Commissary Clerk - Wants Windows, doors, tiles and fence repairing and other wood work also plaistering and whitewashing

[23] The Deputy Commissarys House - Wants New Doors, Window Sashes, Fence, Flooring, Whitewashing and Plaistering, a few panes of glass, other woodwork done. Out offices the same

[24] Light Horsemens Barracks and Stable - Wants new shingling, plaistering, Doors, window shutters and other woodwork.

[25] The Two Salt Provision Stores - Wants the doors and windows nearly new and other woodwork, tiles repairing, plaistering, whitewashing, part of the walls given way

[26] The New Church - The wall at one end down, and the Tower. The roof only half up.

[27] One Wind mill - Wants new Plaistering, whitewashing and repairing the wood work

[28] One new Windmill - Not Finished

[29] One Old Windmill on the fort - useless

[30] The Town Bridge - New, Part of it down, the other part in a bad state

[31] The Orphan House - In good repair. The Offices in a bad state, one nearly down

[32] The wooden Hospital - Rotten and decayed. Not worth repairing

[33] The Other Hospital - Wants new doors, windows, and shutters, floors relaying, many panes glass broken, whitewahsing, and plaistering, the out offices some down and others propt up, also new fence. All the Hospital and Premises in a ruinous State'

[34] The Principal Surgeons House - Wants plaistering, whitewahsing and tiling repaired with some other woodwork done

[35] Two Assistant Surgeons Barracks - Wants new doors and window shutters and other necessary repairs, plaistering and whitewashing

[36] Commissary Office - Wants doors and windows, nearly new, plaistering, whitewashing, tiling repaired and In General in a very bad state

[37] Salt Provision Store - Wants flooring, doors, windows and shingling and new cooperage yard

[38] Guard House, Dawes Point - Wants Plaistering whitewashing


Expedition overland by Lt. Thomas Laycock with a party of four from Launceston to Hobart via Lake River and the valley of the Clyde River.

February 8

Departure of the Buffalo for England - Governor King and family on board; as well as James Hardy Vaux...... At 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon His Excellency the late Governor and Family finally embarked on board His Majesty's ship Buffalo for England, accompanied to the Wharf by His Excellency, who expressed the most sensible regret at taking leave. His Honor the Lieutenant governor and many Officers attended also to share in the last duties of respect. At half past two the boat left the wharf, and was saluted by His Majesty's ship Porpoise as she passed; the following morning His Excellency's dispatches were on board, and on Tuesday the ship sailed. Governor King designing to touch at Norfolk Island on his way. - Sydney Gazette 15 February 1807

February 14

Governor Bligh's order forbidding the Distillation of Spirits

February 15

The use of rum as a currency forbidden

March 5

Arrival in Hobart Town, VDL of the brig Duchess of York with a large cargo of rice, tea sugar, coffee, soap, candles and rum

March 13

John Tucker appointed Storekeeper at Coal River The Sydney Gazette 22 March 1807..... General Orders Whereas Mr. William Sutton, one of the Superintendents of this Colony, and Storekeeper at the coal River, has behaved in a disorderly and improper manner to Charles Throsby Esq., Commandant at that place; he is hereby dismissed from his Office, and Mr. John Tucker appointed in his place -By Command of His Excellency E. Griffin, Sec. Gov. House, Sydney

March 29

Government Rule established that the Crew of vessels trading to Newcastle were forbidden to trade Government stores with the convicts

June 4

Ball held at Government House, Sydney in honor of the birthday of King George III


Port Jackson visited by armed Store Ship belonging to His Imperial Majesty of Russia - the vessel Neva, Captain Hagemeister; The Neva was laden with Stores for the West Coast of America. She had left St. Salvador 9th March with intention to go round Cape Horn; but being too late for the season called at Port Jackson for wood and water. She remained at Port Jackson until 1st July.

June 18

Arrival at Port Jackson of the Sydney Cove. Master William Edwards.

July 25

D'Arcy Wentworth suspended by Bligh for alleged misconduct in the administration of Parramatta Hospital -

Governor Bligh to The Right Hon. William Windham
Government House, Sydney 31st October 1807
The extreme misconduct of Mr. Darcy Wentworth, one of the Assistant Surgeons, in applying Convicts to private labour whom he received into the Hospital at Parramatta as sick men, rendered it absolutely necessary for me to suspend him from his situation, on the 25th July last, until His Majesty's Pleasure is known thereon. I herewith transmit the Depositions of a M. Francis Oakes Chief constable at Parramatta, and John Beldon an Overseer, both free Men, of what has recently been done. Instead of the Hospital being an Asylum for sick Men, and as soon as they recovered to be returned to Government labour, or to the poor Settlers from whom they came, it has been a practice to allow them to remain victualled as Hospital Patients requiring care, applying their use to private advantage. In my Journeys through the country the Settlers have stated to me, in affecting terms, that the Men allowed them by Government constantly framed excuses and got into the Hospital; that after feeding them for fourteen days (at the expiration of which time the expense of victualling falls on Government), conformable to the Regulation, they have not been returned to them upon recovery, by which a heavy loss was sustained on their part, besides being worn out with fatigue in endeavouring to cultivate their ground for support - and which appears to me to have been the case, I Have etc., Wm. Bligh
. - Historical Records of Australia Series 1 p.188

July 27

Arrival of the convict ship Duke of Portland. Master John C. Spence


First reliable map of Sydney town produced by James Meehan.

December 17

Warrant issued for the arrest of John Macarthur