Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

Convict Ship Mariner (2) - 1825

Embarked: 113 women
Voyage: 120 day
Deaths 1
Surgeon's Journal: yes
Tons: 449
Previous vessel: Hercules arrived 7 May 1825
Next vessel: Norfolk arrived 18 August 1825
Captain William Fotherly
Surgeon Harman Cochrane
Follow the Female Convict Ship Trail
Follow the Irish Convict Ship Trail
Prisoners and passengers of the Mariner identified in the Hunter Valley

The Mariner was built at Whitby 1807.[1] She made three voyages to Australia with convicts - 1816, 1825 and 1827.


Some of the women who were embarked may have been held in the Richmond General Penitentiary which had been established in 1820 at Grangegorman, Dublin as an alternative to transportation. It was part of an experiment into a penitentiary system to specialise in reform rather than punishment.

There were accusations of unspeakable cruelty and proselytism and a Commission of Enquiry was ordered in 1826 in which Mary Connor, Ellen Dunn, Jane Armstrong, Mary Ryan, Mary Anne Williamson were mentioned as being inmates at the penitentiary in previous years.


The Mariner departed Cork on 2 March 1825 with 113 female convicts.

Surgeon Harman Cochrane

Harmon Cochrane kept a Medical journal from 30 December 1824 to 15 August 1825.

One woman died on the voyage out. She had suffered with asthma for some time and died suddenly before the surgeon could even attend her.

Harman Cochrane reported that about half the women suffered with epilepsy which became more apparent as the ship entered the tropics. He contemplated whether they might be real or feigned episodes. Some had suffered with fits before but many had never experienced them before. There was scarcely an hour either day or night when he was not called to attend one of them suffering this condition. He puzzled as to whether they may have been propagated by contagion or perhaps by imitation or, he thought more likely, the inordinate heat of the climate affected the irritable, sensitive and acute constitutions of the Irish prisoners. When five or six at a time were found to be affected and were writhing, struggling and tearing themselves to pieces at the same time, it became no easy matter to hold them and it required five or six strong women to do so. He mis-trusted the women however and thought they may have had ulterior motives. Although he was vigilant in observing their manoeuvres, he could not detect any surreptitious designs. The fits abated when the ship entered the colder climate.

The Surgeon maintained cleanliness, order and regularity among the women. The prison was kept clean and dry and the women were allowed on the upper deck as they pleased. [2]

The following women were mentioned in the surgeon's journal -[3]
Margret McKenna, aged 27, convict: sickness at stomach, nausea and vomiting and slight pain in the epigastric region. Put on sick list, 28 February 1825 at Cove of Cork. Sent to the penitentiary at Cork per order of Dr. Trevor.
Fanny Bell, aged 26, convict
Mary Ann Forster, aged 25, convict
Ann Lang, aged 27, convict
Margaret Martin, aged 26, convict
Elizabeth Shannon, aged 36, convict
Margaret Jackson, aged 26, convict
Ann Taylor, aged 32, convict
Mary McClelland, aged 46, convict
Catherine Driscoll, aged 18, convict
Mary McManus, aged 20, convict
Ann Collins, aged 30, convict
Margaret Johnston, aged 25, convict
Ann Dillon, aged 28, convict
Hariot Sheppard, aged 25, convict
Catherine McGuire, aged 40, convict
Elizabeth Hickson, aged 32, convict
Biddy Dwyer, aged 25, convict
Mary Walsh, aged 20, convict

Port Jackson

They arrived in Port Jackson on 10 July 1825.

A Muster of female prisoners was held on board on Wednesday 13 July by Colonial Secretary Frederick Goulburn.
Mustered 109
Disembarked at Cork - 1
Died - 1
Hospital - 2.
Total 113

Free Passengers

Passengers noted in the indents included:

Sarah Johnstone - husband came as James Johnstone about 8 years since. Ann 14years, James 12 years and John 8 months.

Eliza McKeon - husband came as Owen McKeon about 2 years since - Mary aged 5 years with her

Anne Burke - wife of Patrick Burke 57th regt

Miss Mary Johnstone

Mr. Anty O'Reily, wife and 2 children

Rev. Mr. Mears, wife and 2 children

The four government passengers were disembarked on 18th July 1825 - Sarah Johnson with 3 children
Elizabeth McKeon with 1 child
Ann Burke
Mary Johnstone

Convicts Disembarked

The convicts were kept on board until 18th July when they were disembarked and sent to Parramatta Female Factory. The unsatisfactory mode of conveying them to Parramatta was reported in the Sydney Gazette:

The female prisoners per the Mariner who arrived in a state of the best health, were drafted to Parramatta by water, on Monday last. We would beg to call the attention of HIM, who is said now to have the female prisoners in the Factory, committed to his more immediate care and guardianship to the custom of forwarding the women either by the passage boats or by the stage coaches. Though we are loth to lessen the advantages that may possibly accrue from this source of laudable gain, yet a due regard to moral feeling requires some other mode of conveyance, unless the boat, or the coach, could be engaged by Government solely for their accommodation, and then they should be escorted by individuals who would not betray the confidence necessarily reposed in them, as is too generally the case when given in charge of a constable who cares not what becomes of the unfortunate women so that he can laugh, and smoke, and drink. The scenes that have passed on these occasions, by the most correct information, beggar all possibility of description - indeed we dare not attempt the portrait. We have no doubt, there fore, that this monstrous evil will be for ever put a stop to - [4]

Notes and Links

1). Harman Cochrane was also employed as surgeon on the convict ships Mary in 1823, Boyne in 1826 and the Mangles in 1828

2). The Mariner was one of four convict ships transporting female prisoners to New South Wales in 1825, the others being the Henry, Grenada and Midas. A total of 255 female prisoners arrived in the colony in 1825.

3). Prisoners and passengers of the Mariner identified in the Hunter Valley

4). Extract from the Freeman's Journal in 1825......The Commission, Monday December 10 - The several cases for trial having been gone through, the following persons were brought up for judgement: {Extract} William Doyle, burglary, death; James Carroll, death; Edward Whelan and Patrick Doyle, death; Michael Brusel, death; Cornelius mulligan, cow stealing, death; Owen Duffy and William Carroll, burglary and robbery, death; John Russell and Andrew White, highway robbery, death but recommended to mercy; Richard Willan and John Forde, robbery, death but recommended to mercy; Michael Geoghean and Charles Murphy stealing lead, to be transported for seven years; Margaret Quin and Mary Dunleavy, robbery, transportation for seven years; John Magee, felony, imprisoned twelve months; James Daly felony imprisoned twelve months; William Silk, felony, transportation for seven years; Daniel Nolan, cow staling transportation for seven years; Arthur McWillliams felony, transportation for seven years. - [5]

5). Notes from Convict Indents [6] -

Armstrong, Catherine
Age 26. Native place Co. Cavan. Occupation - Knits, sews and washes. Tried Downpatrick 21 March 1824. Sentence 7 years. Sister Ann Fitzgerald arrived in colony 9 years previously. Remarks - well, unmarried.

Byrne, Catherine
Age 30. Native place Co. Dublin. Occupation - Nurse. Tried Dublin September 1822. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - well

Baird, Margaret
Age 25. Native place Co. Wicklow. Occupation House maid. Tried Dublin 21 July 1825. Sentence 7 years. Husband a victualler in Dublin. Remarks - middling. Single

Burke, Ellen
Age 28. Native place Kings Co. Occupation - sempstress. Tried 20 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Husband a painter in Kings Co. Remarks - tolerable

Burke, Anne
Age 25. Native place Kilkenny. Occupation nursery maid. Tried 28 September 1824. Sentence transportation for Life. Remarks - tolerable, single.

Brocknall, Marianna
Age 29. Native place Co. Tipperary. Occupation - milks, washes. Tried Dublin October 1824. Sentence - transportation for life. Remarks - indifferent, single. Conditional Pardon dated 7 April 1842

Bergen, Anne
Age 22. Native place Queens Co. Occupation milks and makes cheese. Tried Limerick 15 March 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - indifferent, single

Bell, Frances
(Fanny) Sent to Sydney Hospital on arrival. Died in the Parramatta Hospital 8 July 1833.

Bannon, Sally
Age 25. Native place Co. Tyrone. Occupation makes milk and butter. Tried Omagh August 1824. Husband came as Samuel Agnew on the Hooghley. Remarks - well

Byrne, Mary
Age 34. Native place Co. Cork. Occupation washerwoman, milks. Tried Wexford 14 July 1823. Remarks - tolerable, widow.

Connor, Mary
Age 22. Native place Co. Clare. Tried Co. Clare March 1824. Occupation - sews, milks. Sentence transportation for Life. Remarks - tolerable, single

Conway, Sarah
Age 27. Native place Athlone. Occupation house maid. Tried Dublin 19 January 1824. Remarks - middling, single

Coleman, Rose
Age 44. Native place Dublin. Occupation boot and shoe closer. Tried Dublin May 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet, widow

Caulfield, Mary
Age 30. Native place Clonmell. Occupation house maid. Tried in Dublin 26 October 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - indifferent, widow

Connesky, Eleanor
Age 28. Native place Co. Longford. Nursery and house maid. Tried Fermanagh 10 August 1824. Remarks - well. Husband a labourer with one child in Westmeath.

Coghlan, Anne
Age 35. Native place Kings Co. Occupation milks and butter maker. Tried Maryboro 5 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable. Widow with 3 children in Ireland.

Collins, Anne
Sent to Sydney Hospital

Dunn, Ellen
Age 24. Native place Belfast. Occupation milks, washes. Tried Co. Antrim 12 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - well, single

Dalton, Eleanor

Donovan, Margaret
Age 22. Native place Cork. Occupation Sempstress. Tried Cork 17 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single.

Driscoll, Catherine
Age 18. Native place Co. Kerry. Occupation House maid. Tried Cork 17 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet, single

Dunlevie, Mary
Age 38. Native place Co. Dublin. Occupation Sempstress. Tried Dublin 10 January 1825. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - well. Husband a pensioner in Fermanagh

Duggan, Grace
Age 27. Native Co. Antrim. Occupation house maid. Tried Dublin 18 May 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single

Dillon, Anne
Age 26. Native place Co. Limerick. Occupation House maid. Tried Dublin 6 June 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single

Draper, Mary
Age 18. Native place Co. Wicklow. Occupation House maid. Tried Dublin 2 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - indifferent, single

Drew, Ellen
Age 18. Native place Dublin. Occupation washes and sews. Tried Dublin 9 November 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single.

Delahunt, Mary
Age 18. Native place Queens Co. Occupation sempstress. Tried 30 November 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks Good, single

Dwyer, Bridget
Age 24. Native place Co. Limerick. Occupation milks and makes butter. Tried Limerick 14 March 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks indifferent, single

Darby, Anne
Age 20. Native place Co. Kildare. Tried Athlone 9 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks well, single

Fox, Lucy
Age 20. Native place Co. Kildare. Tried Athlone 9 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks well, single

Farrell, Mary
Age 22. Native place Dublin. Occupation house maid and milks. Tried Dublin 28 September 1824. Sentence transportation for life. Remarks - indifferent, single

Foster, Mary Anne
Age 27. Native place Wexford. Occupation house maid. Tried Dublin 4 April 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable. Moreton Bay. Ticket of Leave 40/2013

Gaddis, Mary
Age 26. Native place Armagh. Occupation milks and washes. Tried Armagh August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single

Gernon, Mary
Age 30. Native place Co. Dublin. Occupation Sempstress. Tried Dublin March 1825. Remarks - well. Husband a gardener in Co. Dublin.

Gaffney, Susan
Age 36. Native place Dublin. Occupation house maid. Tried Dublin 7 February 1824. Remarks - well. Husband a carpenter in Dublin

Gorman, Mary
Age 19. Native place Dublin. Occupation sews and washes. Tried 4 May 1824 in Dublin. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable

Godfrey, Mary
Age 40. Native place Limerick city. Occupation sews, washes, milks and makes butter. Tried Clonmell 10 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet

Heyburn, Elizabeth
Age 26. Native place Antrim. Occupation Sempstress. Tried Antrim 2 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - well. Husband John Heyburn arrived in the Asia. 1 child 7 years and another 4 years left behind. Two year old Robert with her.

Hayes, Ellen
Age 40. Native Place Co. Cork. Occupation washes and cooks. Tried Cork April 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - widow.

Haydon, Rosanna
Age 28. Native place Lough. Tried Dublin 30 April 1824. Sentence 14 years. Occupation Sempstress. Remarks - well. Died in Sydney Hospital

Howard, Sarah
Age 19. Native place Dublin. Occupation washerwoman. Tried Dublin 20 August 1824. Remarks - tolerable. Husband a sailor in Dublin

Hyde, Elizabeth
Age 27. Native place Dublin. Occupation house maid. Tried Dublin. Sentence 7 years Remarks - indifferent, single.

Hickson, Eliza
Age 30. Native place co. Meath. Occupation housemaid, washes and milks. Tried Dublin 28 September 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet, single

Hamilton, Mary
Native place Antrim. Occupation house maid. Tried Dublin 28 September 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet, single

Horrigan. Eleanor
Age 25. Native place Limerick City. Occupation house maid. Tried Limerick 23 November 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - well, single.

Hamilton, Mary
Age 50. Native place Co. Down. Occupation milks makes butter and cheese. Tried Monaghan. Sentence transportation for life. Remarks - quiet, a widow

Hill, Rose
Age 25. Native place Co. Kildare. Occupation baker. Tried Monaghan 5 August. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - well. Husband a labourer in the County of Kildare

Hogan, Bridget
Age 22. Native place Co. Carlow. Occupation house maid. Tried Wicklow. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single

Howard, Anne
Age 21. Native place Galway. Occupation house maid. Tried Co. Clare. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single

Hornby, Caroline
Age 27. Native place Leeds. Occupation cook. Tried Dublin. Sentence 7 years. Remarks well, single. chestnut eyes, left gone.

Jackson or Farrell, Margaret
Age 25. Native place Dublin. Occupation dairymaid and cook. Tried Dublin 22 April 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single

Johnstone, Margaret
Age 25. Native place Co. Dublin. Occupation house maid. Tried Dublin 21 July 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet, single

Kelly, Bridget
Age 30. Native place co. Clare. Occupation milks makes butter. Tried Co. Clare March 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - middling, single. Brother came as Patrick Shaughnessy on the Hooghley

Kelleher, Honora
Age 25. Native place Cork. Occupation milks and washes. Tried Cork 3 April 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet, single

Kelly, Catherine
Age 30. Native place Rathfarnham, Dublin. Occupation kitchen maid. Tried Dublin 19 March 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single

Keating, Margaret
Age 19. Native place Clonmell. Occupation house maid. Tried 2 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - indifferent, single

Kearns, Mary
Age 25. Native place Co. Meath. Occupation Nursery maid. Tried 4 September 1824. Sentence Life. Remarks quiet, single.

Leonard, Alice
Age 19. Native place Ballyshannon. Occupation sews, washes and milks. Tried Lifford August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - indifferent, single

Lang, Ann
Age 27. Native Place Kilkenny. Occupation - . Tried Dublin 28 September 1824. Sentence Life. Remarks - deranged. Husband a Publican in Dublin. Died in hospital in 1835

Langan, Catherine
Age 24. Native place Londonderry. Occupation House maid. Tried Limerick 20 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet

Leary, Honora

Age 36. Native place Cork. Occupation washerwoman. Tried Wexford 14 July 1823. Sentence 14 years. Remarks - quiet. One child Johanna Cunningham 16months old with her.

Maguire, Margaret
Age 23. Native place Fermanagh. Occupation house maid. Tried Antrim 12 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet, single

Mellish, Anne
Age 20. Native place Co. Antrim. Occupation milks makes butter, cheese. Tried Antrim 12 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single

Moon alias Harkin, Elizabeth
Age 31. Native place Co. Derry. Occupation milks, butter maker and washes. Tried Antrim 13 August 1824. Sentenced to Life. Remarks - good. Husband in Co. Derry a farmer. 1 child left behind.

Morgan, Rose
Age 24. Native place Co. Cavan. Occupation washer woman. Tried Antrim 12 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet

McCabe or Skerrett, Mary
Age 30. Native place Co. Cavan. Occupation - spins, cards, churns. Tried Armagh 12 March 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - very well. Husband came as Jams Skerrett on the Asia or Hooghley One child at home

Murdoch, Sarah
Age 36. Native place Armagh. Occupation milks, makes butter and cheese, washes and sews. Tried at Antrim 13 March 1824. Sentence - Life. Remarks - quiet. Husband came as John Neale in Recovery.

McKenna, Margaret
Age 59. Native place Co. Longford. Occupation Milks and makes butter. Tried Downpatrick July 1823. Sentence 7 years. Remarks -quiet

McManus, Margaret
Age 19. Native place Bally shannon. Occupation House maid. Tried Lifford August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks. - tolerable, single

McKenny, Catherine
Died in H.M. General Hospital 21 April 1826

McCleland, Mary
Age 40. Native place Hillsborough. Occupation milks and makes butter and cheese. Tried Downpatrick 16 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks- tolerable, widow

McEvoy, Margaret
Age 35. Native place co. Wexford. Occupation cook. Tried Dublin 20 January 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - well. Husband a servant in Dublin

Murphy, Julia
Age 23. Native place Co. Kilkenny. Occupation sews and spins. Tried Dublin 9 May 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks- tolerable single

Maguire, Catherine
Age 30. Native place Carlow. Occupation Nursery and house maid. Tried Dublin 21 July 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single

Malone, Bridget
Age 26. Native place Co. Dublin. Occupation House maid. Tried Dublin 27 July 1824. Sentence transportation for Life. Remarks - tolerable, single

McArdle, Margaret
Age 22. Native place Dublin. Occupation House maid. Tried Dublin 1 September 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - very indifferent, single

Matthews, Anne
Age 39. Native place Wicklow. Occupation cook. Tried 6 October 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet, widow.

Matthews, Marianna
Age 29. Native place Co. Monaghan. Occupation house maid. Tried 8 October 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet, single

McCarthy, Frances
Age 28. Native place Dublin. Occupation shop keeper. Tried Dublin 8 October 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet. Husband came about 2 years ago as Owen McCarthy. Child in Dublin

Martin, Hannah
Age 25. Native place Dublin. Occupation house maid. Tried Dublin 30 November 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable. Husband a tanner in Dublin

McDermot, Sarah
Age 25. Native place Galway. Occupation spinner. Tried Carrick 17 March 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks quiet. Husband a labourer in Dunmore

McDonald, Mary
Age 19. Native place Monaghan. Occupation nursery maid. Tried Monaghan 8 March 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet, single

McQuillan, Rose
Age 30. Native place Monaghan. Occupation spinner. Tried 3 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet. Husband labourer in Monaghan

Moore, Eleanor
Age 24. Native place Limerick. Occupation house maid. Tried 15 March 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable

Morrissy, Margaret
Age 24. Native place Tipperary. Occupation house maid. Tried Clonmell August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet

Martin, Margaret
Age 25. Native place Co. Louth. Occupation milks and makes butter. Tried Monaghan 23 March 1824. Sentence transportation for life. Remarks quiet, widow.

Nicholson, Elizabeth
Age 24. Native place Cavan. Occupation knits, sews. Tried Downpatrick 21 March 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - well

Nevin, Mary
Age 42. Native place Co. Wicklow. Occupation dairy maid and house maid. Tried Dublin 19 March 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - good, widow

Nowlan, Catherine
Age 37. Native place Carlow. Occupation milks, and washes. Tried Carlow August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet, single

O'Connell or Osborne, Frances
Age 40. Native place Cork. Occupation needlewoman and school mistress. Tried 2 April 1824. Sentenced to 7 years transportation. Remarks. 3 children at home. Quiet, widow

Pigott, Eliza
Age 27. Native place Westmeath. Occupation milliner. Tried Dublin 6 December 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - good, single

Quail, Anne
Age 27. Native place Co. Wicklow. Occupation milks, and washes. Tried Dublin 2 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks indifferent, single.

Quinn, Margaret
Age 26. Native place Co. Down. Occupation milks and washes. Tried Dublin January 1825. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single

Ryan, Honor
Age 25. Native place Dublin. Occupation House maid. Tried 25 November 1823. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable, single

Read or Clarke, Mary
Age 22. Native place Dublin. Occupation Sempstress. Tried 21 April 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - well

Roche, Hannah
Age 28. Native place Dublin. Occupation nursery maid. Tried 22 May 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable. Husband came as Robert Roche about 2 years since

Ryan or Drake, Mary
Age 26. Native place Co. Dublin. Tried Dublin 23 June 1824. Sentence 7 years. Husband came as Patrick Doran about 7 years since

Screen, Mary
Age 23. Native place Belfast. Occupation milks and makes butter. Remarks - well. husband a soldier in 77th regt.,

Shanaghan, Elizabeth
Age 30. Native place Tipperary. Occupation cook. Tried Clonmell 10 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet. Husband pensioner in Co. Tipperary

Shepherd, Harriet

Smiley, Ellen

Spillane, Catherine
Native place Cork. Occupation house maid. Husband a servant in Cork. One child Catherine Dobbins

Stewart, Frances
Native place Co. Derry. Occupation Sempstress. Remarks - quiet. deaf. Husband a disbanded soldier. In South America Artillery.

Sullivan, Letitia
Age 32. Native place Carrick on Shannon. Occupation sews, milks and washes. Tried 25 July 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet and single

Swift, Catherine
Age 28. Native place Queens Co. Occupation - house maid. Tried Dublin 6 June 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - well, single

Tangney, Mary
Age 23. Native place co. Kerry. Occupation milks and makes butter. Tried August 1822. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - well, single

Taylor, Ann
Age 27. Native place Dublin. Occupation laundress. Tried 19 January 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks- quiet, single.

Toohey, Cecily
Age 46. Native place Co. Mayo. Occupation milks and makes butter. Tried 6 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - quiet. Widow with 9 children

Walsh, Mary
Age 18. Native place Dublin. Occupation sews, washes. Remarks - single

Walsh, Mary
Age 26. Native place Queens Co. Occupation house maid. Clonmell 10 August 1824. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - well, single

Williamson, Mary Ann
Age 35. Native place Tyrone. Occupation house maid. Tried Cork (at the Coronation of the King July 1821). Sentence 7 years. Remarks - tolerable. Husband soldier in 93rd regt

Wilson, Mary Ann
Age 28. Native place Grannerd.. Occupation house maid. Tried Carrick on Shannon. Sentence 7 years. Remarks - husband arrived on the Asia


[1] Bateson, Charles, Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.346-347

[2] UK, Royal Navy Medical Journals, 1817-1857. Medical Journal of Harman Cochrane on the voyage of the Mariner in 1825. The National Archives. Kew, Richmond, Surrey.

[3] National Archives -
Reference: ADM 101/49/5 Description: Medical and surgical journal of the Mariner convict ship from 30 December 1824 to 15 August 1825 1824 by Harman Cochrane, surgeon and superintendent, during which time the said ship was employed on a voyage to New South Wales.

[4] Sydney Gazette 21 July 1825

[5] Freeman's Journal 11 January 1825.

[6] Convict Indents. State Archives NSW; Series: NRS 12188; Item: [4/4009A]; Microfiche: 656