Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

Convict Ship Glatton - 1803

Embarked: males 270; females 135
Voyage: 169 days
Deaths 12-14
Surgeon's Journal: no
Previous vessel: Atlas arrived 30 October 1802
Next vessel: Rolla arrived 12 May 1803
Captain James Colnett.
Surgeon Jacob B. Mountgarrett.
Midshipman James Hewett
First Officer John Bowen
Follow the Female Convict Ship Trail
Prisoners and passengers of the Glatton identified in the Hunter Valley

The Convicts

Convicts embarked on H. M. S. Glatton came from counties in England, Scotland and Wales - Hertford, York, Middlesex, Berkshire, Surrey, Kent, Southampton, Surrey, Lancaster, Isle of Ely, Norfolk, Devon, Gloucester, Cumberland, Bucks, Nottingham, Essex, Salop, London, Northampton, Bristol, Worcester, Somerset, Cornwall, Huntingdon, Bedford, Lincoln, Leicester, Hereford, Suffolk, Wiltshire, Westmoreland, Stafford, Chester, Maidstone, Durham, Denbigh, Brecon, Ayr, Perth, Pembroke, Glamorgan, Montgomery and Monmouth.

Instructions to Captain Colnett

H. M. S. Glatton was reported in May 1802 to be fitting up at Chatham to carry convicts to Botany Bay and bring back masts and the Admiralty produced a set of instructions for Captain Colnett -

Whereas we have thought fit that the ship you command shall be employed on that service, you are, in pursuance of H.M. pleasure signified as above mentioned, so soon as the convicts whom you have been ordered to receive shall be embarked, and the said ship in all respects be ready, hereby required and directed to put to sea and proceed in her to Port Jackson, in the said colony of NSW accordingly calling in your way thither at such place or places as you may judge most convenient and proper for the purpose of obtaining refreshment.

You are to victual the convicts during their continuance on board in the same manner as convicts are usually victualled and on your arrival at Port Jackson to deliver all the said convicts which may then be with you into the charge of the Governor. You are to be very careful to keep a sufficient guard upon the said convicts during the time they may remain on board the ship you command, so as to prevent the execution of any improper designs which they may form; and in case it should be requisite on your passage to New South Wales to provide necessaries for them at any port at which you may stop, you are to purchase such necessaries, if they can be procured, and to draw upon the Lords Comm'rs of H.J. Treasury for the amount thereof.

And whereas the Governor of NSW has been instructed to cause a quantity of timber proper for H.M. service to be cut down and prepared in order to be sent to England for the use of H.M. Dockyards, you are hereby further required and directed to receive on board the ship you command such quantities of the said timber as well as any other produce of the said colony that may be judged proper to be sent Home as you can conveniently stow. (Admiralty to Captain James Colnett 2 September 1802
. [3])

Fully fitted, the Glatton arrived at Portsmouth from the Downs on 31 August. The Morning Post reported in the shipping news of 4th September that she was lying at Spithead and convicts confined on the hulks at Langston Harbour were to be embarked on her. The Glatton was reported to have dropped down to St. Helen's on 14th September 1802.


Correspondence from Lord Pelham to the Treasury, in Historical Records of Australia reveal some of the clothing that was sent on the Glatton........

Lord Pelham to the Treasury
My Lords,
12th May, 1802
It being judged expedient to send forthwith from this country four hundred convicts to New South Wales, I am to desire that your Lordships will be pleased to cause the necessary directions to be given to the Victualling Board for providing a sufficient and proper quantity of provisions for their subsistence during the voyage, and salted beef or pork only for nine months for them after their arrival at New South Wales. I am also to desire that your Lordships will cause the necessary directions to be given for providing the 270 male convicts the particulars of cloathing as undermentioned, to be consigned to the Governor for the use of such convicts on their arrival at that settlement, and that the said provisions and cloathing may be put on board His Majesty's ship Glatton, which is now fitting at Sheerness for the conveyance of those convicts. It being also intended to allow about forty persons to embark on board the said ship who are going as settlers to that colony, I am to desire that directions may be given for providing the usual quantity of provisions for such number during their voyage thither. ............ 1 blue jacket or waistcoat, 1 p'r Russian duck trowsers, 3 checked shirts ,2 pairs of stockings, 1 pair of shoes, 1 woollen cap


H.M.S. Glatton departed England on 23 September 1802 and sailed via Madeira and Rio de Janeiro.

Port Jackson

The arrival of the ship in Sydney Cove on 11 - 12 March 1803 was reported in the Sydney Gazette:
First Hospital at Dawes Point 1796 - 1816 - The Newcastle Sun 10 February 1940
In her way the Glatton put into Rio de Janeiro to refresh. She left England with 270 Male, and 135 Female Prisoners-seven of the former, and five of the latter died; She also brought upwards of 30 Free Settlers, Eight Pieces of Heavy Ordnance, and a quantity of Ordnance Stores.

The day before she got into the Cove 100 weak people were taken out, and put on board the Supply, 50 of the most ailing were soon after sent on shore to the General Hospital, where every attention was paid them. Their complaints were slightly scorbutic, of which they are recovering very fast.
- [4]


Utensils for brewing and hops were also sent on board. A brewery was later set up at Parramatta -
Historical Records of Australia Series 1., Vol IV., p 460
Governor King to Lord Hobart
Sydney New South Wales
March 1st 1804
Respecting the utensils for brewing, and the hops sent by the Glatton and Cato, I have a pleasure in saying that the former are all fixed at Parramatta in a building appropriated for that purpose, with a kiln and every other requisite for malting barley and brewing under the same roof. 142 pounds of hops were bartered with a settler who has long brewed in small quantities.

The remainder I shall preserve for the purpose of brewing for the use of those your Lordship points out, which has always been an event much desired by me. A trial has been made in which we have succeeded in making a small quantity to begin with, and I do not doubt but we shall soon carry it on in a very large scale. That which is made is very good, altho' we have no one proficient in brewing to conduct it. In a former letter I stated what might be expected from the utensils for brewing and the hops sent by the Glatton, and that the indifferent kind of barley we possessed would enable us to continue brewing beer when commenced; nor do I doubt but your Lordship's attention to this colony will direct my request being granted for some good seed barley and more hops being sent, also another set of brewing utensils for Sydney and one for Norfolk Island.

It would also be a future benefit if a thousand well established hop plants could be put on board any whaler coming direct.. There are now about forty thriving hop plants growing from a quantity of seed brought by an officer in 1802 which are much taken care of

Free Passengers

Following are of some of the free passengers (not a complete list)......

Rev. Twistleton;
Assistant surgeon John Savage with his wife; William Cuddie (Cuddy);
Bartholomew Morley;
William Cannop and wife;
Jeffrey Bolton and wife;
Richard Wall, tanner;
Chris and Mary Frederick and three children;
John and Ann Stroud;
Isaac Knight, former sergeant of Marines on the First Fleet and wife Elizabeth;
Serjeant Peat and son;
Mrs. Jones;
Bridget Heath;
Frances Jennings;
Mr. Bedell;
Aaron Birt (Burt).[5]
William White, later a wheelwright at Parramatta.

There were families of convicts also who arrived free on this ship - Some of those mentioned in the 1811 Muster and/or 1828 Census include -

Sarah Alcorn, wife of convict Richard Alcorn and their son Edward Alcorn;
Aaron and Elizabeth Byrne (possibly the same person as Aaron Birt above);
Mary Greenshaw;
Elizabeth Melville, wife of convict Robert Melville
Mary Pickett wife of convict Henry Pickett
Ann Pugh wife of convict Samuel Pugh
Isabella Moss
Martha Hayes daughter of convict Mary Hayes became Lt. John Bowen's mistress. Martha was described by Joseph Holt in 1805.....I went on to the next farm, which belonged to a Mr. Hayes, who resided there with his wife and daughter. They were manufacturers of straw; plaiting it, in the neatest manner, for the use of ladies. The daughter was a beautiful girl; she was the prettiest violet that I saw growing at the Derwent. [6]

Female Convicts

The previous vessel to arrive in New South Wales with female prisoners was the Atlas in 1802. In 1803 Ensign George Bond of the New South Wales Corps published A Brief Account of the Colony of Port Jackson detailing the fate of some female prisoners......

Female prisoners in 1802 -03 - Lieut. George Bond

Convict Indents

The convict indents include only the name of the prisoner, date and place of conviction and sentence.

Departure from Port Jackson

The Glatton departed Port Jackson bound for England on 17th May 1803 and the London Times reported that she was on her way to Leith for the purpose of receiving the flag of Admiral Bligh. She was to be stationed as guard ship for the defence of Leith.

Prisoners of the Glatton identified in the Hunter region:

Alcorn, Richard
Occupation farrier. Tried at The Old Bailey, London in September 1801. Sentenced to death for stealing a horse. Sentence commuted to transportation for life and reduced to 14 years exile. His wife Sarah (nee Steadman) and two sons Richard (2) and Edward sailed on the Glatton with him. Sarah Alcorn received a grant of 60 acres which she took up at South Creek, Hawkesbury. Richard Alcorn (1) died in May 1812. Richard Alcorn (2) resided in Singleton district

Baker, John
Norfolk Gaol Delivery 4 August 1800. John Baker was sentenced to 2 years at Newcastle penal settlement in May 1816 for a colonial crime. He Petitioned for a mitigation of his sentence in 1818 - Petitioner was tried in the year 1800 and sentenced to this country a prisoner for life. Petitioner has been in the colony upwards of fifteen years and has always been a very favourable character, and has been mostly in the employ of government and presumes to hope has given general satisfaction to those placed in authority over him. Petitioner has been sent to this settlement under a fine for two years which is now expired and humbly hopes that Your Excellency on a reference to James Wallis Esquire, Commandant as to his general conduct whilst on this settlement, find it to be such as Petitioner hopes will recommend him to Your Excellency's gracious protection in granting him such mitigation of sentence as Your Excellency's wisdom may seem best. In 1823 he was found guilty of making an assault and putting in bodily fear for their lives in the dwelling house at Prospect, Robert Boulton and Ann his wife and stealing therefrom diverse articles above the value of forty shillings. He was sentenced to Death, which sentence was commuted to life to Port Macquarie. In 1832 he was assigned to Robert Melville at Pitt Water. His occupation was brickmaker. He was sentenced to 12 months on the treadmill in February 1838

Bedder, John
Tried at Nottingham 23 July 1801. Sentenced to transportation for life. In June 1818 he was sentenced to 14 years at Newcastle penal settlement for stealing wearing apparel belonging to Mary Martin. He was granted a Ticket of Leave for Newcastle in 1825.

Binder, Richard
Tried at Northampton Gaol Delivery 14 Jul 1801. Sentenced to transportation for life. He was sent to Newcastle for a colonial crime in 1813. He was granted permission to settle at Patterson's Plains in 1818. Richard Binder married Ann Burrell (Mary Ann) in 1818. By 1828 he and his wife were running the Australian Inn at Newcastle

Cassidy, Michael
Tried at Middlesex 18 February 1801. Sentenced to 7 years transportation. First sent to Newcastle in December 1812. He was sentenced to 2 years at Newcastle a second time in October 1819 for stealing, with John Madden, a box containing certain property. In 1825 he became a member of a gang of bushrangers known as Jacob's Irish Brigade. He was found guilty of receiving articles stolen from William Evans and sentenced to death. He was sent to the hulk in February 1826 and may have been sent to Norfolk Island

Dodd, John
Tried at Westmoreland Gaol Delivery 20 August 1800. Sentenced to transportation for life. He was sentenced to be publicly whipped and sent to Newcastle penal settlement for 12 months in July 1819

Hewitt, William
Tried Lancaster Gaol Delivery 15 August 1801. Sentenced to transportation for life. He Petitioned for a grant of land in 1820...Petitioner came to the Colony in the ship Glatton in 1803 and received an Emancipation in the year 1815. That Petitioner was brought up a farmer and during his long residence in the Colony has conducted himself honestly and soberly and always evinced a disposition to industry. Petitioner humbly craves the indulgence of Land as a Settler which he will study to improve as a home for himself and wife. A side note on the Petition indicates that he was to be granted 40 acres, however in 1824 he was employed as a labourer by John Sparke in the Newcastle district

Jackson, Ann
Maiden name unknown. Ann was the wife of Henry Jackson (ship Fortune 1806). She was employed as a laundress at Newcastle in 1828. Henry Jackson was overseer of the gaol gang at Newcastle in 1823. He was convicted of a colonial crime in 1835 and sent to a gaol gang. He died at Newcastle age 50 in 1838

Jones, Jane
Tried at the Taunton Assizes, Somerset 28 March 1801. Taunton Assizes - Agnes Locke and Mary Sandle, for stealing cloth from the racks; Hannah Manley and Jane Jones for stealing cotton gowns Constance Pewters for being concerned in a riot and stealing wheat; William Pewters for felony were all sentenced to 7 years transportation. The Sydney Gazette reported the crime that saw her sent to Newcastle in 1806...Jane Jones, an old offender who was at a late Criminal Court sentenced seven years transportation in addition to her original sentence, was brought forward to answer an accusation set up by Mrs. Rafferty, of having in her possession sundry articles composing part of a considerable property stolen from her house. The prisoner denied all knowledge of the fact and pretended ignorance of her having had such things in her possession. No doubt of guilt remaining, she was ordered to be banished to His Majestys Settlement at Kings Town, there to be kept at hard labour, and to wear a badge of infamy. (probably a wooden collar)

Martin, Richard
Alias Martyn. Tried Kent Gaol Delivery 27 July 1801. Sentenced to transportation for life. Married Mary Saunders in 1818 and resided at Parramatta. By early 1820's he had become a settler at Wallis Plains. By 1823 improvements to his land included huts and pig styes. Formerly granted 80 acres of land in 1825. His wife Mary died at Wallis Plains in August 1826 and was interred at Christ Church burial ground at Newcastle. In November 1828 census Richard Martin is recorded as a steward employed by George Yeomans at Wallis Plains, age 59. He drowned at Paterson in October 1838

McFadgen, William
Berks Gaol Delivery 21 July 1800. Sentenced to 14 years transportation. Convicted at the Criminal Court in Sydney on 29 September 1817 and sentenced to 14 years transportation to Newcastle.

Munday, Edward
Tried Middlesex 16 September 1801. Sentenced to 7 years transportation. Sent to Newcastle penal settlement for an unknown colonial crime. Absconded from there in September 1804 and cruelly treated by natives before he returned to the settlement

Murray, Thomas or John
Yorkshire Gaol Delivery 18 July 1801. Sentenced to 7 years transportation. On 15 March 1820 sentenced at the Criminal Court Sydney to four years at Newcastle penal settlement for obtaining sundry property from Charles Tompson under false pretences.. Occupation labourer. In 1825 Commandant Gillman informed headquarters that Thomas Murray's term of punishment had expired - he being a man advanced in years, and apprehensive of ill usage from the prisoners, who actually went up in the Mars, he was permitted by the Superintendent during my absence at Wallis Plains to go from hence to Sydney at his own expense in the Brig Fame.

Oness, Joseph
Alias Onus. Born c. 1780. Tried at Kent. Gaol Delivery 16 March 1801. Sentenced to death which was commuted to transportation for life for stealing Naval stores. Spouse Ann Elizabeth Ether. Received a Pardon in 1812. Issue Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Susannah, Joseph, William, Thomas.

Pugh, Samuel
Middlesex Gaol Delivery 15 April 1801. Sentenced to transportation for life. His wife Ann (nee Cormick) came a free settler on the Glatton, later resided at Wallis Plains

Sandle, Mary
Somerset Gaol Delivery 20 March 1801. Sentenced to 7 years transportation. Taunton Assizes - Agnes Locke and Mary Sandle, for stealing cloth from the racks; Hannah Manley and Jane Jones for stealing cotton gowns Constance Pewters for being concerned in a riot and stealing wheat; William Pewters for felony were all sentenced to 7 years transportation. Mary married Isaac Elliott (ship Indian 1810), of Newcastle who was employed as Superintendent of Convicts and Public Works at the township.

Walton, James
James Walton probably never resided in the Hunter region, however he was the father of Newcastle's first Mayor, James Hannell. James Walton was tried at the Old Bailey 1 July 1801. He was found of guilty of theft and sentenced to death later reprieved. He submitted written defence...My Lord, and the worthy Gentlemen of the Jury. James Walton, having a wife and two children, one of them near four years old, which I pay 2s. 6d. a week for, and have been a soldier thirteen years and upwards, and never had a stain in my character before this, and I now declare I know nothing of the robbery laid to my charge. The landlord says, he was robbed between twelve o clock on the 20th of May, and twelve o clock on the 21st of the same month, I was at an hospital; at five o clock on the 20th of May, I went to my quarters, stopped there half an hour; I went out, came back at eleven, and went to bed; a great many lodgers go in and come out at all times; the next morning I got my breakfast, and went out at eight o clock, the mistress was then in bed in the same room they state to be robbed; about a fortnight before this they lost a large kettle, which they laid to my charge, and abused me very much for, and afterwards found it upon another man who worked in the house. My father was in the Lancashire militia 26 years; my four brothers are all in the army; and the one that has been in the shortest time has been seven years. James Walton left a wife and children in England. In Australia he co-habited with Elizabeth Hannell (ship Minstrel 1812) at Parramatta where he was employed as a scourger and constable. Three sons were born to the couple - James, Jesse and John. Elizabeth Hannell was sent to Newcastle for a colonial crime in 1820. In September 1825 James Walton, scourger and constable of Parramatta was violently attacked outside his house which was contiguous to the Old Factory at Parramatta. A 200 pound reward was offered for conviction of those responsible.

Ward, Mary
Tried London Gaol Delivery. 17 February 1802. Sentenced to 7 years transportation. She was sent to Newcastle in January 1812 under sentence of 1 year transportation. She was sent to the Factory at Parramatta for 3 months in September 1821

Whitney, Samuel
Tried at Huntingdonshire 7 March 1801. Sentenced to transportation for life. He worked 'on the mountain road' during Governor Macquarie's time. He lived at Nepean River whereby his industry he had acquired considerable property, however was sentenced to Newcastle penal settlement in November 1820 for 14 years for aiding and assisting in the killing of cattle for meat. His property was left in the care of his housekeeper, described by him as a very old woman who died about 1823. He arrived at Newcastle on 26 January 1821. In 1823 he applied for an indulgence or his freedom - Petitioner after having been in the employ of several persons of respectability obtained his Emancipation and lived with credit and respectability for many years as a settler. That Petitioner was about 2 years back tried by the Court of Criminal Jurisdiction relative to the purchase of some beef which Petitioner incautiously bought of one Dennis Mallory afterwards executed for stealing cattle. That Petitioner begs leave respectfully to state to Your Excellency that since his arrival on this settlement he has lived with His Honour the commandant as one of his domestics and humbly flatters himself his conduct has merited the approbation of that Gentleman. That Petitioner is legally possessed of a farm and some horses and cattle, the fruits of his hard-earned industry. That Petitioner has made various and repeated applications to persons in whose possession the same have been since he came to this settlement but without being favoured with any satisfactory answer relatative to the same. Your Petitioner most humbly approaches Your Excellency to implore that you will in your great goodness be pleased to remit the remainder of his sentence or such other indulgence as your Excellency may think fit. Samuel Whitney's request was not granted and he remained at the settlement. In July 1824 at Newcastle he was sentenced to 50 lashes for drunkenness and riotous conduct in the streets. In June 1824 he was sentenced to 25 lashes for insolent demeanour towards the Commandant at Newcastle. In December 1824 he was sentenced to 25 lashes for repeated drunkenness. He was also sentenced in this month to transportation to Moreton Bay, however in July 1825 was an assigned servant to J. P. Webber at Paterson and Thomas Addison at Paterson's Plains. He was given a 21 day pass to travel to Sydney in July 1825. While in Sydney he requested to be allowed to remain in the district of Evan rather than return to the settlement, which request was granted. In 1828 he was recorded as a farmer at Castlereagh.

Notes and Links

1). Royal Naval Biography; Or, Memoirs of the Services of All the Flag-officers - John Bowen ... By John Marshal.........

2). Convict Richard Binder arrived on the Glatton. Richard Binder later held the licence for the Australian Inn in Newcastle.

3). Joseph Onus arrived as a prisoner on the Glatton and early Maitland settler Richard Martin also. Find out more about other early settlers in the district HERE.

4). Ann Hambleton, Mary Holloway, Grace Mansell, Letty Manvill, Mary Bumball/Taylor, Mary Coulter and James Hunt were all granted Certificates of Freedom in 1810.

5). Around 1803 convict artist John William Lancashire produced the watercolour 'View of Sydney taken from The Rocks'. The stone bridge of the Tank Stream is on the extreme right while Government House is centrally located. This is the layout of Sydney Town as the convicts of the Glatton would have known it.

6). In 1803 Lieutenant John Bowen offered his services to form the settlement which King had previously decided to establish at Risdon Cove, Van Diemen's Land. He was appointed Commandant and Superintendent. The expedition sailed in June but was damaged and delayed by storm, and did not finally clear Port Jackson until the end of August, with Bowen in command of the Albion. He arrived at Risdon Cove on 12 September 1803. [2] Accompanying Lieutenant Bowen were Mr. Jacob Mountgarret surgeon of the Glatton, Mr. Williams to act as storekeeper at the settlement (Daily Life and Origin of the Tasmanians).

Click on the text below to read the full naval career of John Bowen......

Naval Career of John Bowen

7). Find out more about Captain James Colnett at the Canadian Dictionary of Biography Online

8). The Calcutta was also a Royal Navy vessel built by the East India company.

9). Precursor to an expose on forest trees and timber, Volume 1 by William Layman.

10). Report on the State of the Convicts in Portsmouth Harbour in 1802.

11). Report on the Condition of Convicts on board La Fortunee at Langstone Harbour 1802.

12). Prisoners and passengers of the Glatton identified in the Hunter Valley

13). On Thursday week was received into the Castle, William Simpson, late of Hunflet, in the Borough of Leeds, who was sentenced for transportation at Leeds Sessions in April last and escaped from out of that Gaol on the same night along with the notorious John Williamson, who was also retaken, and lately transported; the said William Simpson was apprehended at Liverpool - The York Herald 3 January 1801.

14). A Governor's Worries in 1803. (1933, June 24). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 20. Retrieved March 17, 2019, from


[1] HRA Vol IV page 752

[2] E. Flinn, 'Bowen, John (c. 1780 - 1827)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, published first in hardcopy 1966

[3] HR NSW., Vol IV, p. 836

[4] Sydney Gazette 19 March 1803

[5] HR NSW., Vol. IV, p. 806

[6] Memoirs of Joseph Holt, General of the Irish rebels in 1798, ed. by T.C. Croker By Joseph Holt