Convict Ship Index - Listed by Year
1788 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1849 1850 1852 1862
From 1788 to 1867, 160,663 convicts were sent to Australia.
New South Wales between 1788 and 1841 received 83,290
Tasmania between 1803 and 1852 received 67,655
Western Australia between 1850 and 1868 received 9718
Below are Links to Ships bringing Convicts to Australia in the Years 1788 to 1862.
(P) - Ship bringing Political Prisoners
(F) - Ship carried female convicts
(I) - Ship departed from Ireland; Date of Arrival
To find convict ships listed alphabetically Select Here
Alexander - 21 January 1788Charlotte (F) - 22 January 1788
Friendship (F) - 21 January 1788
Lady Penrhyn (F) - 22 January 1788
Prince of Wales (F) - 22 January 1788
Scarborough - 21 January 1788
Lady Juliana (F) - 3 June 1790Guardian - Wrecked
Surprize (1) - 26 June 1790
Neptune - 28 June 1790
Scarborough (2) - 28 June 1790
Mary Ann - 9 July 1791Gorgon - 21 September 1791
Matilda - 1 August 1791
Atlantic - 20 August 1791
Salamander - 21 August 1791
William and Ann - 28 August 1791
Active - 26 September 1791
Queen - 26 September 1791
Albermarle (F) - 13 October 1791
Britannia - 14 October 1791
Admiral Barrington - 16 October 1791
Pitt - 14 February 1792Royal Admiral - 7 October 1792
Kitty - 18 November 1792
Bellona - 16 January 1793Boddingtons (F) (I) (P) - 7 August 1793
Sugar Cane - 17 September 1793
William - 10 March 1794Surprize (2) - 25 October 1794
Sovereign - 5 November 17951796
Marquis Cornwallis - 11 February 1796Indispensable - 30 April 1796
Lady Shore - 28 August 1797Britannia I (F) (I) (P) - 27 May 1797
Ganges - 2 June 1797
Barwell - 18 May 1798Britannia II (F) - 18 July 1798
Hillsborough - 26 July 17991800
Minerva - 11 January 1800Friendship (I) (P) - 16 February 1800
Speedy - 15 April 1800
Porpoise - 9 November 1800
Royal Admiral (2) - 20 November 1800
Anne I (Luz St Anna) (F) (I) (P) - 21 February 1801Earl Cornwallis (F) - 12 June 1801
Canada (1) - 14 December 1801
Minorca - 14 December 1801
Nile I - 14 December 1801
Coromandel I (1) - 13 June 1802Hercules I - 26 June 1802
Atlas (I) (1) - 7 July 1802
Perseus - 14 August 1802
Atlas (II) (1) - 30 October 1802
Glatton - 11 March 1803Rolla - 12 May 1803
Calcutta - 9 October 1803 (Port Phillip)
Coromandel I (2) - 7 May 1804Experiment I (F) - 12 June 1804
Tellicherry - 15 February 1806William Pitt - 11 April 1806
Fortune (1) - 12 July 1806
Alexander I (F) - 20 August 1806
Duchess of York 4 April 1807Sydney Cove - 18 June 1807
Duke of Portland (1) (P) - 27 July 1807
Speke I (1) - 16 November 1808Admiral Gambier (1) - 20 December 1808
Aeolus (F) - 26 January 1809Experiment II (F) (I) - 25 June 1809
Boyd (I) - 14 August 1809
Indispensable - 18 August 1809
Hindostan - 28 December 1809
Anne II - 27 February 1810Hunter - 20 August 1810
Canada (2) (F) - 8 September 1810
Indian - 16 December 1810
Eagle - 17 February 1811 (Calcutta to NSW)Providence I - 2 July 1811
Ruby - 28 September 1811 (Bengal to NSW)
Admiral Gambier (2) - 29 September 1811
Friends (F) - 10 October 1811
Guildford (1) - 18 January 1812Indefatigable - 19 October 1812 (VDL)
Minstrel (1) - 25 October 1812
Archduke Charles (F) (I) - 16 February 1813Fortune (2) - 11 June 1813
Earl Spencer - 9 October 813
Wanstead - 9 January 1814General Hewitt - 7 February 1814
Catherine (F) - 4 May 1814
Three Bees 6 May 1814
Broxbornebury (F) - 27 July 1814
Surry I (1) 28 July 1814
Somersetshire - 16 October 1814
Marquis of Wellington - 27 January 1815Frederick - 29 March 1815 (VDL)
Indefatigable (2) - 26 April 1815
Northampton - 18 June 1815
Canada (3) (I) (P) - 5 August 1815
Francis and Eliza (F) (I) - 8 August 1815
Baring (1) - 7 September 1815
Fanny I (F) - 18 January 1816Mary Anne I (1) - 19 January 1816
Ocean I - 30 January 1816
Alexande II (F) (I) - 4 April 1816
Guildford (2) - 8 April 1816
Atlas III - 22 July 1816
Elizabeth I (1) - 5 October 1816
Mariner (1) - 11 October 1816
Surry I (2) - 20 December 1816
Lord Melville I (1) - 24 February 1817Fame - 8 March 1817
Sir William Bensley - 10 March 1817
Morley (1) - 10 April 1817
Shipley (2) - 24 April 1817
Chapman (1) (I) - 26 July 1817
Pilot - 29 July 1817
Canada (4) (F)(I) - 6 August 1817
Almorah (1) - 29 August 1817
Lord Eldon - 30 September 1817
Frederick - October 1817 (VDL; NSW)
Larkins (1) - 22 November 1817
Ocean II (1) - 10 January 1818Friendship (F) - 14 January 1818
Guildford (3) - 1 April 1818
Batavia - 5 April 1818
Greyhound - 14 April 1818 (Calcutta to NSW)
Lady Castlereagh - 30 April 1818 (NSW; VDL)
Minerva I (1) - 30 April 1818
NeptuneI (1) - 5 April 1818
Glory - 14 September 1818
Isabella I (1) - 14 September 1818
Maria I (1) - 17 September 1818
Tottenham - 14 October 1818
Morley (2) - 7 November 1818
Guide - 9 November 1818 (Calcutta to NSW)
Shipley (2) - 18 November 1818
Elizabeth I (2) (F) (I) - 19 November 1818
Earl St. Vincent (1) (I) - 16 December 1818
Lord Melville - 17 December 1818 (VDL)
Hadlow (1) - 24 December 1818
Martha - 24 December 1818
General Stewart- 31 December 1818
Tyne - 4 January 1819Globe - 8 January 1819
Surry I (3) - 4 March 1819
Lord Sidmouth (1) - 11 March 1819
Greyhound - 21 April 1819
Baring (2) - 26 June 1819
Bencoolen - 25 August 1819
Mary I - 26 August 1819
Canada (5) - 1 September 1819
Daphne (I) - 21 September 1819
John Barry (1) - 26 September 1819
Atlas I (2) - 19 October 1819
Grenada (1) - 21 October 1819
Malabar (1) - 30 October 1819
Recovery (1) - 18 December 1819
Minerva I (2) - 17 December 1819
Lord Wellington - 20 January 1820Eliza I (1) - 21 January 1820
Prince Regent I (1) - 27 January 1820
Castle Forbes (1) (I) - 27 January 1820 (VDL)
Dromedary - 28 January 1820 (VDL; NSW)
Coromandel - 4 April 1820 (VDL; NSW)
Seaflower - 30 April 1820 (Bengal to VDL; NSW)
Janus - 3 May 1820
Neptune I (2) - 16 July 1820
Hadlow (2) - 5 August 1820
Mangles (1) - 7 August 1820
Earl St. Vincent (2) - 16 August 1820
St. Michael - September 1820 (Calcutta to NSW)
Dorothy (I) (P) - 19 September 1820
Agamemnon - 22 September 1820
Shipley (3) - 26 September 1820
Guildford (4) - 30 September 1820
Morley (3) - 30 September 1820
St. Michael - November 1820 (Calcutta to NSW)
Caledonia - 17 November 1820 (VDL)
Maria - 1 December 1820 (VDL)
Almorah (2) - 22 December 1820
Asia I (1) - 28 December 1820
Juliana - 28 December 1820 (VDL)
Elizabeth I (3) - 31 December 1820
Hebe - 31 December 1820
Prince Regent II (1) - 9 January 1821Prince of Orange (1) - 12 February 1821
Lord Sidmouth (2) - 19 February 1821
Dick - 12 March 1821
Medway - 13 March 1821 (VDL)
Speke I (2) - 18 May 1821
Lady Ridley - 27 June 1821 (VDL)
Countess of Harcourt - 27 July 1821 (VDL)
Adamant - 8 September 1821
Grenada (2) - 16 September 1821
John Barry (2) - 7 November 1821
Hindostan (1) - 24 November 1821
Minerva I (3) - 16 December 1821
John Bull - 18 December 1821
Providence II (1) - 7 January 1822Mary II - 23 January 1822
Southworth (1) - 9 March 1822
Isabella I (2) - 9 March 1822
Shipley (4) - 11 March 1822
Mary Anne I (2) - 20 May 1822
Phoenix - 20 May 1822 (VDL)
Guildford (5) - 15 July 1822
Asia I (2) - 24 July 1822
Calder - September 1822 (VDL)
Caledonia - 6 November 1822 (VDL)
Mangles (2) - 8 November 1822
Eliza I (2) - 22 November 1822
Countess of Harcourt (2) (I) - 21 December 1822
Morley - 11 January 1823 (VDL)Lord Sidmouth (3) - 27 February 1823 (VDL; NSW)
Surry I (4) - 4 March 1823
Princess Royal (1) - 9 March 1823
Brampton (I) (P) - 22 April 1823
Woodman (1) - 25 June 1823
Recovery (2) - 30 July 1823
Competitor - 3 August 1823 (VDL)
Henry (1) - 26 August 1823
Ocean II (2) - 27 August 1823
Earl St. Vincent (3) (I) - 9 September 1823
Mary III (1) - 18 October 1823 (VDL; NSW)
Albion - 21 October 1823 (VDL)
Isabella I (3) - 16 December 1823
Medina (1) - 29 December 1823
Castle Forbes (2) (P) - 15 January 1824Asia 1824 - 19 January 1824 (VDL)
Guildford (6) - 5 March 1824
Brothers (1) (F) - 7 May 1824
Countess of Harcourt (3) - 12 July 1824
Prince Regent I (2) - 15 July 1824
Almorah (3) (F) (I) - 20 August 1824
Mangles(3) - 27 October 1824
Minerva I (4) - 19 November 1824
Ann and Amelia (I) (P) - 2 January 1825Grenada (3) - 23 January 1825
Asia I (3) - 22 February 1825
Henry (2) - 27 February 1825
Hooghley (1) - 22 April 1825
Royal Charlotte - 29 April 1825
Asia III (3) - 29 April 1825
Hercules II (1) - 7 May 1825
Mariner (2) - 10 July 1825
Norfolk (1) - 18 August 1825
Minstrel (2) - 22 August 1825
Lonach - 4 September 1825
Henry Porcher (1) - 3 December 1825
Medway - 14 December 1825 (VDL)
Midas (1) - 17 December 1825
Marquis of Hastings (1) - 3 January 1826Sir Godfrey Webster (2) - 3 January 1826
Mangles (4) - 18 February 1826
Sesostris - 21 March 1826
Cawdry (from Calcutta) - 15 April 1826
Providence - 16 May 1826 (VDL)
Lady Rowena - 17 May 1826
Regalia - 5 August 1826
Marquis of Huntley (1) - 13 September 1826
England (1) - 18 September 1826
Boyne (I) (P) - 28 October 1826
Speke II - 26 November 1826
Phoenix III - 25 December 1826
Marquis of Lansdown - 8 January 1827 (Calcutta to VDL)Grenada (4) - 23 January 1827
Brothers (2) (F) (I) - 2 February 1827
Albion (2) - 14 February 1827
Midas (2) - 15 February 1827
Mariner (3) - 23 May 1827
Countess of Harcourt (4) (I) - 28 June 1827
Guildford (7) - 25 July 1827
Marquis of Hastings (2) - 31 July 1827
Princess Charlotte (2) - 6 August 1827
Manlius (1) - 11 August 1827
Cambridge (I) - 17 September 1827
Harmony (1) - 27 September 1827
Prince Regent I (3) - 27 September 1827
Champion - 17 October 1827
Eliza II (1) (I) - 8 November 1827
John I (1) - 25 November 1827
Louisa - 3 December 1827
Florentia (1) - 3 January 1828Elizabeth II (F) (I) - 12 January 1828
Marquis of Huntley (2) - 30 January 1828
Hooghley (2) - 24 February 1828
Morley (5) - 3 March 1828
Caroline/ Calista - March 1828 (East Indies to VDL to NSW)
Asia I (4) - 13 March 1828
Mangles (5) - 1 June 1828
Borodino (I) (P) - 12 July 1828
Phoenix I (2) - 14 July 1828
Bussorah Merchant (1) - 26 July 1828
Countess of Harcourt (5) - 8 September 1828
Competitor (2) (F) - 10 October 1828
Marquis of Hastings (3) - 12 October 1828
Albion (3) - 3 November 1828
City of Edinburgh (1) (F) (I) - 12 November 1828
Eliza III (1) - 18 November 1828
Royal George (1) - 24 December 1828
Reliance - 12 January 1829 (VDL)Governor Ready (2) - 16 January 1829
Vittoria - 17 January 1829
Sophia - 17 January 1829
Ferguson (I) - 26 March 1829
Mellish (1) - 18 April 1829
Edward (1) (F) (I) - 26 April 1829
Lord Melville II (1) - 3 May 1829
Princess Royal (2) - 19 May 1829
Georgiana - 12 June 1829 (VDL; NSW)
Eliza II (2) (I) - 20 June 1829
Waterloo (1) - 9 July 1829
Sovereign (2) - 3 August 1829
America (1) - 18 August 1829
Norfolk (2) - 27 August 1829
John I (2) - 13 September 1829
William Young - 2 November 1829 (West Indies to NSW)
Guildford (8) - 4 November 1829
Layton I (2) - 8 November 1829
Lucy Davidson - 29 November 1829
Morley (6) - 3 December 1829
Claudine (2) - 6 December 1829
Sarah (1) - 7 December 1829
Larkins (2) - 12 December 1829
Asia I (5) (F) (I) - 13 January 1830James Pattison (1) - 20 January 1830
Katherine Stewart Forbes (1) - 18 February 1830
Dunvegan Castle (1) - 30 March 1830
Forth I (I) - 26 April 1830
Mermaid (2) - 6 May 1830
Nithsdale - 12 May 1830
Roslin Castle (2) - 29 June 1830
Lady Feversham - 29 July 1830
Adrian - 20 August 1830
Marquis of Huntley (3) - 21 August 1830
Forth II (F) (I) - 12 October 1830
Lord Melville II (2) - 21 October 1830
Hercules II (2) - 1 November 1830
Royal Admiral (1) - 8 November 1830
Florentia (2) - 15 December 1830
Andromeda II (1) - 18 December 1830
Clyde (VDL) - 18 December 1830
Burrell (1) - 19 December 1830
York I (2) - 7 February 1831Edward (2) - 22 February 1831
Lady Harewood (2) - 4 March 1831
Kains - 11 March 1831
Earl of Liverpool (F) - 5 April 1831
Waterloo (2) - 30 April 1831
Eleanor (P) - 25 June 1831
Camden (1) - 25 July 1831
Georgiana I (2) - 27 July 1831
Exmouth - 28 July 1831
Palambam - 31 July 1831
Hooghley (3) - 27 September 1831
Jane I - 5 November 1831
Surry I (6) - 26 November 1831
Asia V (2) - 2 December 1831
Bussorah Merchant (3) (I) - 14 December 1831
Research - 14 December 1831 (Calcutta to VDL; NSW)
Norfolk (3) - 9 February 1832Asia I (6) - 13 February 1832
Pyramus (1) - 5 March 1832
Isabella I (4) - 15 March 1832
Portland (1) - 26 March 1832
Captain Cook (1) (I) - 2 April 1832
Burrell (2) (F) - 20 May 1832
John I (4) - 8 June 1832
Southworth (3) - 14 June 1832
City of Edinburgh (2) (I) (P) - 27 June 1832
Lady Harewood (3) - 5 August 1832
Clyde I (2) - 27 August 1832
Eliza II (4) (I) - 6 September 1832
Planter (1) - 15 October 1832
Hercules II (3) - 16 October 1832
Dunvegan Castle (2) (I) (P) - 16 October 1832
Parmelia (1) - 16 November 1832
Mary III (4) - 5 January 1833Fanny II (F) - 2 February 1833
Roslin Castle (3) - 5 February 1833
Camden (2) - 18 February 1833
Governor Bourke - 21 February 1833
Surry II - 9 March 1833
Andromeda II (2) - 11 March 1833
Mangles (6) - 19 April 1833
Diana (F) - 25 May 1833
Portland (2) - 26 June 1833
Asia I (7) - 27 June 1833
Waterloo (3) - 3 August 1833
Caroline (F) (I) - 6 August 1833
Captain Cook (2) - 26 August 1833
Heroine - 19 September 1833
Buffalo (F) - 5 October 1833
Lord Lyndoch (2) - 18 October 1833
Royal Admiral (2) - 26 October 1833
Aurora I (1) - 3 November 1833
Java - 18 November 1833
Neva (1) - 21 November 1833
Lloyds (1) - 18 December 1833
Enchantress - 16 January 1834Royal Sovereign (1) - 19 January 1834
Fairlie (1) - 15 February 1834
Parmelia (2) - 2 March 1834
Hive (1) - 11 June 1834
Numa - 13 June 1834
James Laing - 29 June 1834
Susan (1) - 8 July 1834
Dart (F) - 9 July 1834 (Mauritius to NSW)
Surry I (8) - 17 August 1834
Roslin Castle (4) - 15 September 1834
Andromeda II (3) (F) (I) - 17 September 1834
Merope - 11 October 1834 (Calcutta to VDL; NSW)
Henry Tanner - 26 October 1834
Blenheim I (1) (I) - 14 November 1834
Hooghley (4) - 18 November 1834
Princess Victoria - 28 November 1834 (Calcutta VDL; NSW)
George Hibbert - 1 December 1834
Henry Porcher (2) - 1 January 1835Royal Admiral (3) - 22 January 1835
Bengal Merchant (2) - 30 January 1835
Forth (I) - 3 February 1835
Lady Kennaway - 13 February 1835 (VDL)
Lady Nugent (1) - 9 April 1835
Marquis of Huntley (4) - 5 July 1835
Westmoreland (1) - 15 July 1835
Hero - 31 August 1835
Mary III (5) - 6 September 1835
England (3) - 28 September 1835
Backwell (I) - 29 September 1835
Mary Ann II - 26 October 1835
Lady McNaughten - 26 October 1835
Warrior - 20 November 1835 (Calcutta to NSW)
Royal Sovereign (2) - 12 December 1835
Neva (2) - wrecked
Hive (2) - wrecked
Bardaster - 13 January 1836 (VDL)John Barry (4) - 17 January 1836
Susan (2) - 7 February 1836
Henry Wellesley (1) - 7 February 1836
Roslin Castle (5) - 25 February 1836
Recovery (3) - 25 February 1836
Surry I (9) - 17 May 1836
Thomas Harrison - 9 June 1836
Strathfieldsaye (2) - 1 June 1836
Moffatt (2) - 31 August 1836
Waterloo (5) - 6 September 1836
Elizabeth IV (F) - 12 October 1836
Lady Kennaway (2) - 12 October 1836
Swallow - 23 October 1836 (Madras to NSW)
Captain Cook (3) (I) - 13 November 1836
Bengal Merchant (3) - 9 December 1836
Pyramus (2) - 14 December 1836
Eden - 21 December 1836 (VDL; NSW)
Earl Grey (1) (I) - 31 December 1836
St. Vincent (1) - 5 January 1837John II - 7 February 1837
Norfolk (5) - 12 February 1837
Sarah and Elizabeth - 23 April 1837
Prince George - 8 May 1837
Margaret (1) - 30 May 1837
Mangles (8) - 10 July 1837
Heber - 12 July 1837
Lloyds (2) - 17 July 1837
Calcutta II - 5 August 1837
Integrity - 17 August 1837 (Mauritius to VDL and Sydney)
Charles Kerr - 9 October 1837
James Pattison (2) - 25 October 1837
Asia V (3) - 2 December 1837
Susan 1837 VDL to NSW 24 December 1837
Henry Wellesley (2) - 22 December 1837
Sir Charles Forbes (4) - 25 December 1837
Neptune II - 2 January 1838 (NSW)Neptune - 18 January 1838 (VDL)
Patriot - 1 February 1838 (Mauritius to NSW)
Waterloo (6) - 8 February 1838
Emma Eugenia (1) - 9 February 1838
Regia - 9 February 1838 (Mauritius VDL; NSW)
Symmetry - 27 March 1838 (Mautitius to NSW)
Diamond (F) (I) - 28 March 1838
Gaillardon - 30 March 1838 (Calcutta to VDL; NSW)
Moffatt - 1 April 1838 (VDL)
William Jardine (1) - 11 April 1838
Bengal Merchant (4) - 21 July 1838
Lord Lyndoch - 8 August 1838
Westmoreland (3) - 22 August 1838
John Renwick (1) - 27 August 1838
Clyde I (3) (I) (P) - 10 September 1838
Earl Grey (2) - 21 November 1838
Caledonia - 17 December 1838 (Madras)
Portsea -18 December 1838
Elphinstone (3) (I) - 29 December 1838
Margaret (2) - 5 January 1839Theresa (1) - 31 January 1839
Planter (2) - 9 March 1839
John Barry (5) - 22 March 1839
Waverley (1) - 17 June 1839
Whitby - 23 June 1839
Parkfield - 1 September 1839
Blenheim I (3) (I) - 27 September 1839
Gaillardon - 22 October 1839 (Calcutta to VDL; NSW)
Mary Anne III (1) - 10 November 1839
Barossa (1) - 8 December 1839
Minerva II (2) - 26 December 1839
Canton (P) - 12 January 1840 (VDL)Middlesex - 25 January 1840
Nautilus (2) - 9 February 1840
Buffalo (P) - 11 February 1840 (VDL) 26 February 1840 (NSW)
Woodbridge (1) - 26 February 1840
Augusta Jessie - 27 March 1840 (Norfolk Island)
Gilbert Henderson - 24 April 1840 (VDL)
Mangles (9) - 27 April 1840
Surry I (10) - 13 July 1840
Maitland (1) - 14 July 1840
Isabella II - 24 July 1840
King William - 17 August 1840
Margaret (3) - 17 August 1840
Pekoe - 6 November 1840
Eden I (2) - 18 November 1840
Constant - 29 August 1843 (VDL)1844
Maitland - 7 February 1844 (Norfolk Is.)Blundell - 12 July 1844 (Norfolk Is.)
Agincourt - 9 November 1844 (Norfolk Is.)
Hydrabad - 19 February 1845 (Norfolk Is.)David Malcolm - 25 August 1845 (Norfolk Is.)
Mayda - 8 January 1846 (Norfolk Is.)China - 16 May 1846 (Norfolk Is.)
John Calvin - 21 September 1846 (Norfolk Is.)
Pestonjee Bomanjee - 17 February 1847 (VDL)Tory - 18 March 1847 (VDL)
Hashemy - 9 June 1849Randolph - 20 August 1849
Havering - 8 November 1849
Mount Stewart Elphinstone - 1 November 1849 (Moreton Bay)
Adelaide (1) (P) (Exiles) - 24 December 1849
Eliza - 30 April 1850 (Norfolk Is.)Bangalore (Exiles) - 30 April 1850 (Moreton Bay)
Aboukir (Exiles) - 20 March 1852 (VDL)1862
York 1862 - To Western Australia
Crimes Resulting in Transportation
Some of the crimes punishable by transportation included:
Grand larceny - every theft above the value of one shilling
Buying or receiving stolen goods, jewels or plate
Ripping and stealing lead, iron, copper or buying or receiving
Stealing ore from blacklead mines
Stealing from furnished lodgings
Setting fire to underwood
Stealing letters or destroying same
Embezzling naval stores
Petty larcenies
Assaulting with intent to rob
Returning from transportation
Stealing fish from a pond or river
Stealing trees or plants above value of 5 shillings
Stealing children with their apparel
Cutting or burning clothes
Solemnising clandestine marriages
Stealing a shroud from a grave
Watermen carrying too many passengers on the Thames
Machine breaking