Free Settler or Felon

Convict and Colonial History

Charles Queade R. N.,

Convict Ship Surgeon-Superintendent

Date of Seniority Royal Navy 15 April 1807

Charles Queade was born around 1788 at Enniskillen, Ireland. [1]

He was appointed Surgeon in the Royal Navy in April 1807[2]. He was entered in the Navy List of Medical Officers in 1814[3]

Surgeon Superintendent

Charles Queade was employed as surgeon on four convict ship voyages to Australia:

Pilot in 1817,

Minerva in 1819,

Minerva in 1821

Phoenix in 1824 (to VDL).

NSW Land Reserve

In September 1824 he requested a 2000 land grant as he was anxious to settle in the colony after his four voyages as surgeon superintendent. On 18 October 1824 1200 acres was reserved for him for eighteen months. [4]

However, he was appointed to take charge of a detachment of troops bound for Madras on the Grenada in February 1825 and probably didn't return to the colony.

London 1838

In 1838 he resided at 54 Norton Street, Marylebone. He was robbed of a writing desk there which contained a Bank of England note for £100 and various other things of considerable value -

Charles Queade. I have apartments at No. 54, Upper Norton-street, in the house of Mr. Taylor - he keeps the house - it is in the parish of St. Marylebone - I occupy the second floor in his house. On the 17th of last January I lost a writing-desk - it contained a large square fine gold toothpick-case, a fine gold watch-chain, a fine large gold seal, a large topaz, a fine gold seal with white cornelian, a fine gold embossed key, one embossed plain gold ring, plain inside, but embossed outside, one fine gold onyx hoop mourning ring, one fine gold mourning ring, one silver pedometer for measuring distances, two large silver table spoons, two silver tea-spoons, two fine gold mourning brooches, one silver nutmeg-grater, and £170 in Bank of England notes - there was one £100 and seven £10 notes, and it contained some foreign bonds - I received a parcel on the 26th, by the General Conveyance Company, directed to me - it contained all the memoranda and the papers I had in the writing-desk, and all the foreign bonds - I did not get back my notes or jewellery by that parcel - the notes were in a secret drawer in the desk - the desk was pawned, and the notes were found by the pawnbroker in the secret drawer - I understood from the police officer the desk was in the possession of a pawnbroker in High-street, Bloomsbury - I saw it at the police-office - the prisoner Pattison had been Mr. Taylor's cook - I think I had only seen her twice.
Cross-examined by Mr. Payne.
Q. What are you?
A. A surgeon
- [5]


He was on the List of Surgeons of the Royal Navy fit for service in 1841.

1851 Census

Charles Queade resided at Margaret Street, Marylebone in 1851. The Census records that he was 63 years of age, unmarried and a surgeon of the Royal Navy on half pay.

1861 Census

In the 1861 Census he is listed as a lodger living at Belgrave street Islington.


He died on 12 December 1866 at 6 Belgrave road Junction road Highgate Hill, Middlesex and left an estate of under £3000.

Notes and Links

1). National Archives. Letter from J Scott, Principal Surgeon of the Colony, Colonial Hospital, Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, to the Commissioners of His Majesty's Navy certifying that no unnecessary expenditure of medicines or necessaries took place during the voyage of the Phoenix to Van Diemen's Land in 1824. Letter from George Arthur, Lieutenant Governor, Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, to the Commissioner's of His Majesty's Navy Board, certifying that Mr Charles Queade, surgeon and superintendent, of the ship Phoenix, Mr Robert White, Master, has landed 202 male convicts, 2 having died on the voyage, and that he has submitted his journal for approval. List of Prisoners treated during the voyage by the surgeon.

2). His nephew Major William Henry Queade was the sole executer of the estate. It may have been the same Captain Queade of the 12th regiment who was stationed at Ballarat during the Eureka Stockade. Accounts and Papers of the House of Commons


[1] 1851 Census

[2] New Navy List.

[3] Navy List

[4] State Records Authority of New South Wales; Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia; Series: 13902; Roll: 1434 Description Title: Van Diemans Land Description Book Source Information New South Wales, Australia, Land Records, 1811-1870

[5] Central Criminal Court. Minutes of Evidence By Great Britain. Central Criminal Court, Henry Buckler